2024 innovations


Detection/Location/Acquisition and Deception

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GAY Le Brun

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Rudolf-Plank-Strasse 27 76275 ETTLINGEN, BADEN-WUERTTEMBERG
+33 6 08 12 30 67


Technical document

Detecting Novichok Chemical threats with the Bruker E2M&MM2


Hall 5a - GH300
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons amended the Annex on Chemicals by introducing a new class of nerve agents known as Novichoks. The OPCW’s list includes several hundred compounds, but only the “usual suspects”—specifically A230, A232 & A234—can currently be detected and identified at trace levels using field-deployable tools. However, for all other unknown compounds on the list, these devices remain “blind”, posing a risk of false-negative results. Leveraging the capabilities of the E²M/MM2 systems, it is now possible to detect all threat-relevant Novichoks in the field.
The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons amended the Annex on Chemicals by introducing a new class of nerve agents known as Novichoks. The OPCW’s list includes several hundred compounds, but only the “usual suspects”—specifically A230, A232 & A234—can currently be detected and identified at trace levels using field-deployable tools. However, for all other unknown compounds on the list, these devices remain “blind”, posing a risk of false-negative results. Leveraging the capabilities of the E²M/MM2 systems, it is now possible to detect all threat-relevant Novichoks in the field.

Innovation character

Detecting Novichok agents presents a unique challenge due to their low vapor pressure, making gas-phase detection difficult. However, the E²M/MM2 system setup now enables analysis of real-world samples, covering all threat-relevant Novichoks. This achievement was realized by creating new library and spectra data, along with novel methods for direct measurements using the unique air/surface probe.

Potential for evolution

At present, Bruker’s Mobile Mass Spectrometers encompasses all Novichok families and their relevant representatives listed in the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Should the need arise to extend the list in the future, the product can be readily adapted within a reasonable timeframe.

TRL9 - Real system demonstrated